5 responses to “PHP Multi Dimensional Array Combinations”

  1. Merrill Bowman

    This PHP operate will take a multiple perspective range and make all its possible blends.This operate in debug value, but its use in many other situations.

  2. Martin B

    Thanks for this, I spent yonks tearing what’s left of my hair out trying to do the same thing with indexes and failing – before I cheated and googled and eventually found your very nice solution.

    Used it to generate initial stock data for products with multiple options.

  3. Ryan

    You are the man. Thank you for this. Saved me sooooo much time.

  4. Camilo

    Thanks a lot, this was very helpful for me.
    my case is the A/B/n split testing (specifically MVT).

  5. Bas

    Man, you totally saved my sanity. This function is so terribly useful. Looks like a simple problem, yet I’ve been banging my head into a brick wall of code-blindness for hours now.